Marcia Keegan

23 mayo, 1938 - 22 septiembre, 2016


Marcia Keegan, 78, of Santa Fe passed away September 22nd, 2016. She is survived by her husband Harmon Houghton.
Marcia Keegan’s legacy is best chronicled in her photography, books and lifetime of dedication to chronicling the beauty of the world that surrounds us and the wisdom of the elders of the Tibetan and Native American way of life. Compassion was her religion.
Respect for all beings, animals, plants, minerals, and spirits was her canvas and photography was her paintbrush. You can view some her work at
Marcia has started a foundation to grant young and emerging authors, artists, photographers and media creators financial support in expressing their creativity of indigenous ways of life Donations may be made online and gratefully acknowledged.A Memorial service will be held Friday, November 11, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the Rivera Kiva Sanctuary of Light, 417 East Rodeo Rd., Santa Fe, NM

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Acerca de

Nombre Marcia Keegan
Fecha de nacimiento 23 mayo, 1938
Fecha de defunción 22 septiembre, 2016

Página conmemorativa

Casa funeraria Rivera Family Funeral Home
Cementerio Rivera Family Funeral Home
Dirección 417 Rodeo Road
Santa Fe NM 87505
United States


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